Tamio R (2024)
In Tamio-R, the story unfolds from the moment Prime Minister Muto Taizan who is considering retiring from politics, receives an unexpected offer to return to the position of Prime Minister. Each episode features a wildly imaginative storyline where Taizan and someone else randomly swap bodies.
Director: Kusano Shogo, Yamamoto Daisuke
Also known as: Tamiou R たみおうあーる Wise and Foolish (2024)
Country: Japan
Status: Ongoing
Release Year: 2024
Genres: Political, Supernatural
Starring: Ano, Endo Kenichi, Kaneda Akio, Ohashi Kazuya, Santoki Soma, Yamauchi Takaya
Tamio R (2024) full episodes
Tamio R (2024) Episode 5
11/20/24 -
Tamio R (2024) Episode 4
11/19/24 -
Tamio R (2024) Episode 3
11/08/24 -
Tamio R (2024) Episode 2
10/30/24 -
Tamio R (2024) Episode 1